Step 1: Login to CPanel – Username georgia, Password ABiGal90!!2273 – it can be changed. Ignore any warning about security token.
Step 2: Easiest way to find it is to type Mailing in top search bar, then choose Mailing Lists when it brings it up.
Ignore the top portion about creating a mailing list, and scroll down
Click on Manage for the list you wish to change.
Management will open in another tab. If you want to change another list, go back to the first tab to return to the above screen.
All you should need is Membership Management in the left-hand column. Click on it to expand choices.
To delete an address, scroll down to the Membership list. Choose first letter of email address or find it using the search box.
To delete check the unsub box to the left of the address and then click on Submit your changes. You can also set someone to digest, nomail, or moderation (mod).
On this screen you can also set everyone to moderation. Use this for an announce-only list where you don’t want people to respond.
To add a member choose Mass Subscription under Membership Management at the top.
Type the email addresses to subscribe, one per line. You can also upload a text file. Choose buttons for whether to invite them to the list or just subscribe them, whether to send them a welcome message, and whether to send yourself an email that they are subscribed. When finished scroll down and select Submit your Changes.
When you are done, just close the tab. No reason to logout.